Posts tagged: mclaren senna

观看我们的新视频:身披塞纳・森普雷(Senna Sempre)涂装的迈凯伦塞纳

观看我们的新视频:身披塞纳・森普雷(Senna Sempre)涂装的迈凯伦塞纳
深入探究我们这款1:8比例的身披塞纳·森普雷(Senna Sempre)涂装的迈凯伦塞纳模型的细节。其有着令人惊艳的设计,是对埃尔顿·塞纳(Ayrton Senna)的人生及其传奇成就的致敬。这款特别的手绘涂装体现了塞纳充满活力的精神,同时展示了他卓越的成就,包括三次世界冠军头衔以及代表迈凯伦车队夺得的五次摩纳哥大奖赛冠军。


Shmee150 Collects His Bespoke McLaren Senna

Shmee150 Collects His Bespoke McLaren Senna
We were delighted to have Tim Burton, aka Shmee150, visit the Bristol workshop again, as he returned to collect his bespoke model order. Tim has been a big admirer of Amalgam models, dreaming of owning a scale replica for a long time, and he chose to start his collection with a bespoke version of the most powerful car he owns, the McLaren Senna.


Shmee150 Visits Amalgam's Bristol Workshop

Shmee150 Visits Amalgam's Bristol Workshop
Amalgam were delighted to welcome our good friend and client Shmee150 to the Bristol workshop this afternoon. Tim was here to take a look behind the scenes as we begin the assembly stage of the bespoke build of his McLaren Senna. Tim was incredibly excited to visit, after being a huge fan of our models for a number of years. 
