Posts tagged: 1:18 scale
We are excited to reveal the completion of our latest development project: the Ferrari F1-89 at 1:18 scale. These stunning models precisely replicate the cars raced by Nigel Mansell and Gerhard Berger during the XLII Shell British Grand Prix at the Silverstone Circuit on the 16th of July 1989.
The Formula 1 Hall of Fame
Only the select few have ever savoured the joy of winning a Formula 1 championship. Explore our selection of Formula 1 models at 1:8 and 1:18 scale, from the 1950s to present day, each a stunning replica of the very vehicles that propelled the champions to their most memorable victories.
Gift the Extraordinary
Searching for the perfect present can be a daunting process, but we are here to bring inspiration. We have curated a special seasonal selection full of beautiful models of the world’s most exciting cars.
法拉利812 Competizione Tailor Made 1:18比例车模
我们的首批小批量 1:18 比例法拉利 812 Competizione Tailor Made模型现已完成,我们可以为您展示这款令人惊叹且极具收藏价值的模型的最新详细视频和照片。继去年我们制作出独一无二的 1:8 比例模型之后,我们又推出了这款仅 250 个的限量版模型。该手工制作的 1:8 模型由 Amalgam Collection 捐赠,并在纽约拍卖会上为法拉利基金会筹集了大量资金。
1:18 比例的回顾
从战前令人称奇的布加迪 59 型,经过标志性的阿斯顿·马丁 DB5 和福特 GT40,再到诸如法拉利 499P 和梅赛德斯-AMG ONE 这样的现代杰作,我们今年发布的大量模型,是我们越来越多重要合作伙伴以及我们工匠们精湛技艺和敬业精神的证明。
我们很高兴地宣布,我们一直在开发 1:18 比例的法拉利 F1-89,精确复制奈杰尔-曼塞尔(Nigel Mansell)和格哈德-伯杰(Gerhard Berger)在 1989 年 7 月 16 日于银石赛道举行的 XL11 壳牌英国大奖赛上驾驶的赛车