
1:16 比例
£46,635.00 GBP
As soon as your model is completed, it will ship within 3-5 days of receiving payment


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二战中速度最快的战斗轰炸机——用途极其广泛且性能卓越的德·哈维兰 DH98“蚊”式飞机,无疑是德·哈维兰飞机公司对皇家空军在第二次世界大战中取得成功所做出的最大贡献。其创新设计采用了木质“夹层”结构,借鉴了该公司战前高速的 DH88“彗星”竞速飞机和流线型的 DH91“信天翁”客机所积累的经验。它深受飞行员们的喜爱,很快就被亲切地称为“木制奇迹”。最初被设想为一种高空飞行、无武装的摄影侦察机,“蚊”式飞机在服役中扮演了多种角色,包括轰炸机、战斗轰炸机、夜间战斗机、反舰攻击机、教练机、鱼雷轰炸机,甚至还作为靶机拖曳机。

到 1938 年,英国空军部开始寻找一种全副武装的多用途飞机,但对德·哈维兰的概念兴趣寥寥,反而命令他们作为分包商为其他轰炸机制造机翼。自 1939 年 9 月 4 日起,英国与德国交战,英国的飞机生产极度集中于像维克斯超级马林“喷火”和霍克“飓风”这样的战斗机,同时为满足这一需求创建了新的设施,还有像维克斯“惠灵顿”和阿姆斯特朗·惠特沃斯“惠特利”这样的重型轰炸机。随着冲突的发展,原材料供应短缺,因此使用替代性的非战略性建筑资源变得愈发重要。此外,对于新飞机设计具备多用途能力的需求也变得更为重要。尽管最初的设计不受欢迎,德·哈维兰仍坚持不懈。最终,在提交了一系列令人印象深刻的方案后,空军部对“蚊”式飞机的概念产生了兴趣,并提出了一项草案要求,即一种时速超过 400 英里的高速轻型侦察轰炸机。为了保密,该项目在哈特菲尔德以南 6.5 英里的索尔兹伯里大厅进行设计,最初作为私人投资项目进行融资,最终在 1940 年 3 月随着 B.1/40 规范的发布获得了官方支持,该规范要求生产 50 架轰炸/侦察改型。5 月,F.21/40 规范对此进行了补充,要求一种全副武装的远程战斗机,授权德·哈维兰制造“蚊”式战斗机版本。

由于基本材料严重短缺,这三架原型机的初始建造非常缓慢,在敦刻尔克遭受重大损失后,该项目几乎被取消,空军副元帅弗里曼相当方便地忽视了飞机生产大臣比弗布鲁克勋爵发布的指令。第一架原型机 DH98“蚊”式(W4050 - E0234),涂成“原型机黄色”,于 1940 年 11 月 25 日在哈特菲尔德首次试飞。尽管起落架舱门仍略有卡住未完全关闭,但起飞和飞行被认为相对没有问题。在接下来的几个月里,各种操纵和性能问题得到了解决,在 1941 年 1 月 16 日的试验中,这架原型机超过了维克斯超级马林“喷火”。第二架 DH98“蚊”式原型机(W4051)于 1941 年 6 月 10 日首次作为摄影侦察改型试飞,而第三架原型机(W4052)则用于带有加农炮和机枪武器装备的战斗机改型的开发。它还将携带机载拦截(AI)设备,以增强其夜间和白天的战斗能力。

“蚊”式飞机于 1942 年投入使用,并立即取得成功,因其轰炸、领航和精确的低空打击能力而闻名。战时的发展导致了多种变体的出现,包括在远东服役的海军化鱼雷侦察型“海蚊”TR Mk.33,并且在纳入更大的炸弹舱和辅助油箱后,炸弹负载能力和航程显著增加。“蚊”式飞机在多次行动中大放异彩,最著名的是 1944 年 2 月 18 日的“杰里科行动”。还有一次,对柏林主要广播电台的一次精确计时的白天袭击打断了德国总司令赫尔曼·戈林为庆祝纳粹掌权 10 周年而安排的演讲,促成了一次巨大的宣传胜利。1945 年 5 月 21 日,“蚊”式飞机在欧洲战区执行了其最后一次战时任务,当时英国皇家空军海岸司令部的飞机参与了对可能试图违抗投降命令的德国潜艇的搜寻。

总共建造了 7781 架 DH98“蚊”式飞机。“蚊”式飞机主要在第二次世界大战期间为盟军空军服役,除了英国皇家空军外,还包括美国和俄罗斯。民用版本也被开发出来并用作运输机,经常飞越北海飞往中立的瑞典。战后,许多“蚊”式飞机被法国、比利时、土耳其、瑞典、多米尼克、南非、南斯拉夫、澳大利亚、加拿大、中国、捷克斯洛伐克、以色列、新西兰和挪威的空军使用。“蚊”式飞机的最后一次作战飞行是在 1963 年 5 月,当时第 3 民用防空合作部队退役了其 TT.35 型。

这款精美的 1:16 比例手工制作的 DH.98“蚊”式飞机模型代表了 FB.VI HX922,就像 1944 年 2 月 18 日“杰里科行动”开始时由珀西·皮卡德上校和领航员约翰·布罗德利中尉驾驶的那样。“杰里科行动”是对亚眠监狱的精确轰炸袭击的名称,这次任务旨在打乱盖世太保对关押在那里的法国抵抗运动囚犯的计划。九架“蚊”式 FB.VI 轰炸机从赫特福德郡的皇家空军亨斯登起飞,袭击了索姆河谷边缘德国控制的亚眠监狱。他们精湛的飞行技术进行了低空的炸弹投放,首先摧毁了监狱的外墙和内墙,紧接着是警卫室。共有 255 名盟军囚犯从建筑物和围墙的缺口逃脱,尽管遗憾的是,有 182 人很快又被重新抓获。当 HX922 飞离目标时,他们的飞机遭到了威尔海姆·迈尔中士驾驶的福克-沃尔夫 Fw 190 的攻击,其第一轮射击切断了“蚊”式飞机的尾部。飞机翻转倒扣并俯冲向地面,在亚眠以北 8 英里(13 公里)的圣格拉蒂安撞击地面后爆炸起火,珀西·皮卡德上校和领航员约翰·布罗德利中尉丧生。皮卡德在其杰出的职业生涯中被追授杰出服务勋章和两枚杰出飞行十字勋章,布罗德利被授予杰出服务勋章、杰出飞行十字勋章和杰出飞行奖章。


此模型是 1:16 比例的严精密限量版 10 个模型之一。



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Buy now, pay later

Pay in interest-free installments with Splitit using your Mastercard and Visa credit cards (no debit cards).

Quick and Easy

No credit checks, no paperwork, only fill in your card details


Splitit will not charge any interest


Simply select Splitit at checkout and enter your card details
No credit checks required but the total amount is held in reserve on your card to ensure payment
Your first payment is taken immediately. The rest will be paid automatically in monthly installments


Order Total
Pay Today
£500 (Total of £1500 held on card)
£500 (Total of £1000 held on card)
£500 (Total of £500 held on card)
£500 (Total of £0 held on card)
  • A PAYMENT AUTHORISATION FOR THE OUTSTANDING AMOUNT OF YOUR PURCHASE WILL BE HELD DURING THE FULL PLAN PERIOD as security. This hold will be charged ONLY in the event a monthly payment is declined (the authorisation hold might appear as "Pending" on your credit card bill).
  • You must maintain a sufficient "Required Available Credit" amount on your credit card for both the full outstanding amount of your purchase and the monthly payment during the full period of the plan.
  • Your credit card issuer may charge you interest on amounts charged to your credit card unless you pay Your credit card balance in full each month.
  • In case we do not manage to reauthorize the remaining amount of the transaction, you will receive a notice email. In that case, you will have to promptly update your credit card details. In case your bank still refuses to reauthorize the outstanding amount, we will have to charge the full outstanding amount of the transaction at once from your credit card.
Splitit offers you a flexible way of paying for items in instalments, completely interest-free, by reserving the available line of credit on your credit card. Then, each month, according to your payment plan, Splitit collects the instalment amount and reissues the authorisation request for the remaining balance.

It is important to note that payments are still charged on your existing credit card. Splitit simply provides you the method to do this and information about the instalments. Here is an example of how the service works for a customer buying a £2,000 model in 4 instalments of £500 each:

Splitit obtains authorisation from the credit card company for the full purchase amount of £2,000. This is not a charge on the card; it is simply reserving £2,000 from the customer’s line of credit.
- The credit card company then charges the customer £500 for the first payment.
- During the second month, Splitit requests authorisation for the outstanding purchase amount of £1,500, and charges the customer the second installment of £500.
- This authorisation and charge process continues until the full £2,000 is collected - in this case, for 4 months.
No, this is an interest-free payment method with no additional fixed fees, service fees, interest or hidden fees of any kind.
No, your item will be processed after the first initial instalment and delivered as normal upon passing our Quality Control check at Head Office.
- You can pay using Splitit with a valid Mastercard or Visa
Nothing, no credit check is required if you use a Splitit instalment plan and there is no impact on your credit score. All the bank sees is the individual instalment charges each month. If one of your payment authorisations is declined, there is still no affect on your credit rating; it is simply a declined charge. The denial would simply accelerate payment of the remaining balance (unless you provide a different card which was not denied).
You can pay using Splitit with a Mastercard or Visa. Debit cards, American Express and pre-paid cards are not accepted.
The instalments appear on your statement as individual charge items with the name of 'Amalgam Collection'. These payments will appear monthly according to your instalment plan, with the same charge amount each time.
For further information visit: https://www.splitit.com/faq/