Posts tagged: airplane

DH.98 Mosquito模型

DH.98 Mosquito模型

1:16 比例的 DH.98 型 “蚊式 ”战斗机模型令人叹为观止。这款手工制作的精美模型捕捉到了 1944 年 2 月 18 日杰里科行动开始时由大队长珀西-皮卡德(Percy Pickard)和领航员约翰-布劳德利(John Broadley)中尉驾驶的 FB.VI HX922,并且仅限量发行 10 件。其中4架DH.98 蚊式战斗机模型已经售出,现在可以订购剩余六架模型,我们会根据订单进行手工制作。


Amalgam to build just five North American X-15s models at 1:20 scale

Amalgam to build just five North American X-15s models at 1:20 scale

We are delighted to reveal that they have a new aircraft model in development: the North American X-15A-2 at 1:20 scale, a famous and significant piece of aviation history. The X-15A-2 remains the official world record holder for the highest speed ever recorded by a crewed, powered aircraft.
