Ferrari F138 (2013) 历史

Ferrari F138 (2013) 1:1 SCALE

A full size collector’s replica of the Ferrari F138 steering wheel from the 2013 season with working buttons, switches and paddles as piloted by Fernando Alonso and Felipe Massa. This replica has been hand-crafted utilising...

Ferrari F138 - 2013 Chinese GP 历史

Ferrari F138 - 2013 Chinese GP 1:8 SCALE

Built for the 2013 FIA Formula 1 World Championship season, the Ferrari F138 was the last Scuderia Ferrari V8-powered Formula 1 car before the sport’s move towards hybrid power units. In the hands of Spaniard...

Ferrari F138 - Chinese GP (2013) 历史

Ferrari F138 - Chinese GP (2013) 1:12 SCALE

Built for the 2013 FIA Formula 1 World Championship season, the Ferrari F138 was the last Scuderia Ferrari V8-powered Formula 1 car before the sport’s move towards hybrid power units. In the hands of Spaniard...

Ferrari F14 T (2014) 历史

Ferrari F14 T (2014) 1:1 SCALE

The F14 T was Ferrari’s contender for the 2014 FIA Formula One World Championship® season. Named by a fans’ poll organised by Ferrari, the ‘14’ represented the year of competition and the T reflected the...

Ferrari F14 T (2014) 历史

Ferrari F14 T (2014) 1:8 SCALE

The F14 T was Ferrari’s contender for the 2014 FIA Formula One World Championship® season. Named by a fans’ poll organised by Ferrari, the ‘14’ represented the year of competition and the T reflected the...

Ferrari F14 T (2014) Nosecone - Alonso 历史

Ferrari F14 T (2014) Nosecone - Alonso 1:12 SCALE

The F14 T was Ferrari’s contender for the 2014 FIA Formula One World Championship® season. Named by a fans’ poll organised by Ferrari, the ‘14’ represented the year of competition and the T reflected the...

Ferrari F2002 - 2002 Canadian GP Winner - Schumacher - Race Weathered 历史

法拉利F2002 -加拿大大奖赛-做旧版-迈克尔·舒马赫 1:8 SCALE

限量5台布里斯托尔的工匠参考档案图像精确地应用做旧细节模型附赠原车在2002年维伦纽夫赛道上的高品质图片1:8比例模型,超过56厘米/22英寸长每个模型都是由一小队工匠手工制作和组装的用最优质的材料制成开发模型需花费2500多个小时每个做旧模型制作需300多个小时数以千计的精密工程零件:复模、照相蚀刻和数控加工的金属组件使用原始真车的数字扫描数据和法拉利提供的油漆代码制作 此版本现已售罄。 我们很高兴推出1:8比例的新款旧化模型:2002年6月9日迈克尔·舒马赫在加拿大大奖赛上夺冠的F2002特别做旧版-仅限量五台。每一台模型均由我们在布里斯托尔的工匠精心手绘,展现了在维伦纽夫赛道上跑了70圈后赛车车身脏污的每一个细节。 我们对于加拿大大奖赛后F2002车身尘土脏污细节的精确再创作,尤其是车轮由开赛时的银色变色深黑色,见证了F1汽车在比赛期间刹车掉落非常多的碳尘。在今天的一级方程式赛车中,刹车碳尘仍然是一个问题,这个问题应该得到更多的关注,但在2002年的情况更加极端,刹车盘很容易在比赛快结束时开始出现故障,随之而来的是对尾随司机的空气污染。  每台模型都附赠有赛车冲破终点时的照片,该照片由Amalgam从Motorsport Images图库中精心挑选。 在法拉利车队的“黄金时代”设计的F2002是F1史上最成功的赛车之一,在2002年和2003年赛季的19场比赛中获得了15次胜利。 据说你不能急于追求完美,而且人们普遍认为该赛车已经非常接近完美了,尽管它是在2002赛季的第三场比赛中首次亮相的。 一旦推出,F2002的主导地位是无可匹敌的。四次卫冕世界冠军的迈克尔·舒马赫和巴西队友巴里切罗驾驶该车在比赛中获得了许多荣誉,在2002赛季结束时,法拉利车队在积分榜上的积分(221)与剩下的所有10支车队的积分总和相同。   2002年2月公开亮相的F2002是法拉利为国际汽联F1世界锦标赛(FIA Formula 1 World Championship)设计的第48辆单座跑车。 季前测试显示了这款新车的巨大潜力,在第一次尝试时就打破了马拉内洛赛道的记录并超过不止一秒。 尽管如此,由于可能存在的可靠性问题,这辆车不会在前三场比赛中使用。 该车底盘是全新的,无论是在形状上-多亏了团队的空气动力学开发计划,还是在结构上-节省了相当多的重量。 悬挂和转向系统也进行了重大修改,以符合2002年的规定。 在传动系统方面,法拉利设计了051发动机,可提供更多的动力和更高的最大转速。 曲轴降低,导致整体重量和尺寸减少。 同时这一新的紧凑型设计使得车后的空气动力学效率得到显著提升,变速箱一定程度的重新设计,箱体材料和主要内部零件的全新装配以及齿轮选择机制本身,造成了严重的进度延迟,并无法表现出与最初机械工程相同的性能提升。法拉利选择继续着手设计,推迟F2002参赛,直到第三站巴西大奖赛前使用前一年的F2001底盘-尽管有许多改变。 最初唯一可用的底盘给了领先的车手舒马赫,所以巴里切罗不得不等到第四站圣马力诺大奖赛上才得以驾驶F2002。 随之而来的是一个自1988年赛季以来从未出现过的统治赛季。 在F2002上,舒马赫又取得了9场胜利,加上他在F2001上的两次胜利,他的11场胜利创造了赛季单个车手的记录,而鲁本·巴里切罗取得了4场胜利。 法拉利车队的15场胜利追平了迈凯轮车队1988年赛季的记录,同时88.2%的胜率仍然是历史上第三高的。 舒马赫在整个2002赛季的每一场比赛中都登上了领奖台,驾驶F2002赛车从没有低于第二名。 唯一一场没有获胜的比赛是在第七场摩纳哥站,输给了大卫-库塔的迈凯轮-奔驰,而F2001没有获得马来西亚大奖赛的冠军。 德国人极其迅速的(至少在现代)赢得了世界锦标赛,在7月法国举行的本赛季第11场比赛中获得了世界冠军头衔。 这两名法拉利车手在车手积分榜上稳居第一和第二。 F2002(改名为F2002B)在2003年初仍然很有竞争力,证明了底盘的力量,舒马赫在圣马力诺大奖赛上取得了该赛车的最后一场胜利,之后就被F2003-GA取代。   总的来说,法拉利F2002赢得了15次胜利,13次登上领奖台,11次杆位和15次最快圈,在2002和2003赛季的19场比赛中获得了239分。 它在2002年毫无悬念的赢得了车手和车队总冠军,而在2003年获得的32分也是决定当年总冠军的关键因素; 法拉利只以14分的优势夺得了车队的冠军,而舒马赫和他最接近的竞争对手之间的差距只有2分。 这款1:8比例的模型是2002年6月9日在蒙特利尔的维伦纽夫赛道举行的加拿大大奖赛上,迈克尔·舒马赫驾驶并赢得法拉利车队第150次F1比赛胜利的1号赛车复制品。 虽然威廉姆斯-宝马的胡安-巴勃罗-蒙托亚获得了杆位,但迈克尔-舒马赫仍然是夺冠的热门人选,他已经赢得了前七场比赛中的五场。...

Ferrari F2007 (2007) Australian GP 历史

Ferrari F2007 (2007) Australian GP 1:8 SCALE

The car that powered Kimi Räikkönen and Scuderia Ferrari to double 2007 FIA Formula One World Championship glory, the F2007 was a contender in one of the most exciting seasons in Formula 1 history. An...

Ferrari F2007 (2007) British GP 历史

Ferrari F2007 (2007) British GP 1:8 SCALE

The car that powered Kimi Räikkönen and Scuderia Ferrari to double 2007 FIA Formula One World Championship glory, the F2007 was a contender in one of the most exciting seasons in Formula 1 history. An...

Ferrari F2007 - 2007 Brazilian GP - Raikkonen 历史

Ferrari F2007 - 2007 Brazilian GP - Raikkonen 1:8 SCALE

The car that powered Kimi Räikkönen and Scuderia Ferrari to double 2007 FIA Formula One World Championship glory, the F2007 was a contender in one of the most exciting seasons in Formula 1 history. An...

Ferrari F2008 历史

Ferrari F2008 1:5 SCALE

Scuderia Ferrari’s competitor for the 2008 FIA Formula 1 World Championship season, the F2008 aimed to replicate the team’s Championship-winning double of the previous season. Piloted by 2007 Drivers’ Champion Kimi Räikkönen and Brazilian racer...

Ferrari F2008 (2008) Brazilian GP 历史

Ferrari F2008 (2008) Brazilian GP 1:8 SCALE

Scuderia Ferrari’s competitor for the 2008 FIA Formula 1 World Championship season, the F2008 aimed to replicate the team’s Championship-winning double of the previous season. Piloted by 2007 Drivers’ Champion Kimi Räikkönen and Brazilian racer...

Ferrari F2008 (2008) Malaysian GP 历史

Ferrari F2008 (2008) Malaysian GP 1:8 SCALE

Scuderia Ferrari’s competitor for the 2008 FIA Formula 1 World Championship season, the F2008 aimed to replicate the team’s Championship-winning double of the previous season. Piloted by 2007 Drivers’ Champion Kimi Räikkönen and Brazilian racer...

Ferrari F2012 (2012) 历史

Ferrari F2012 (2012) 1:1 SCALE

Driven by former World Champion Fernando Alonso and Felipe Massa, the F2012 was built to be Ferrari’s competitor in the 2012 FIA Formula One World Championship® season. A reliable runner, Ferrari recorded the least retirements...

Ferrari F2012 (2012) European GP 历史

Ferrari F2012 (2012) European GP 1:8 SCALE

Driven by former World Champion Fernando Alonso and Felipe Massa, the F2012 was built to be Ferrari’s competitor in the 2012 FIA Formula One World Championship® season. A reliable runner, Ferrari recorded the least retirements...

Ferrari F2012 (2012) Nosecone - Alonso 历史

Ferrari F2012 (2012) Nosecone - Alonso 1:12 SCALE

Driven by former World Champion Fernando Alonso and Felipe Massa, the F2012 was built to be Ferrari’s competitor in the 2012 FIA Formula One World Championship® season. A reliable runner, Ferrari recorded the least retirements...

Ferrari F2012 (2012) Nosecone - Massa 历史

Ferrari F2012 (2012) Nosecone - Massa 1:12 SCALE

Driven by former World Champion Fernando Alonso and Felipe Massa, the F2012 was built to be Ferrari’s competitor in the 2012 FIA Formula One World Championship® season. A reliable runner, Ferrari recorded the least retirements...

Ferrari F40 - Edition of 5 with R&T book 历史

Ferrari F40 - Edition of 5 with R&T book 1:8 SCALE

Please note that this edition has now sold out. We are proud to launch a very special Limited Edition of just five models of the Ferrari F40 accompanied by a large format book dedicated to...

法拉利F430 (2004) 历史

法拉利F430 (2004) 1:8 SCALE

A fine 1:8 large-scale collector’s model of the Ferrari F430 launched at the Paris Motor Show in September 2004. This model has been hand-crafted utilising the original CAD data supplied directly by Ferrari and has...

Ferrari F430 Challenge (2005) 历史

Ferrari F430 Challenge (2005) 1:8 SCALE

A fine 1:8 large-scale collector’s model of the Ferrari F430 Challenge as unveiled at the Frankfurt Motor Show in September 2005. This model has been hand-crafted utilising the original CAD data supplied directly by Ferrari...