Red Bull Racing Honda RB16B


红牛本田RB16B赛车是2020赛季RB16赛车的升级版,由荷兰最受欢迎的车手马克斯·维斯塔潘和墨西哥车手塞尔吉奥·佩雷斯驾驶,以期望夺得自2013年以来的第一个年度总冠军。 2021年是维斯塔潘在红牛车队的第六年,而佩雷斯则是从赛点车队转队加入红牛,RB16B与混合动力时代的霸主梅赛德斯车队进行抗争,已经证明了它的勇气。尽管车队最终未能实现其车队冠军的愿望,但维斯塔潘经历了长达一个赛季的激烈比赛后,终于在阿布扎比最后一场比赛的最后一圈战胜了卫冕车手冠军刘易斯·汉密尔顿。这是一个充满戏剧性、赛道表现具有争议的赛季,维斯塔潘最终被加冕为第一位荷兰世界冠军。

总体而言,红牛 RB1B6 赢得了 11 场胜利、12 个登上领奖台、10 个杆位和 8 个最快圈速,获得 585.5 分并赢得 2021 年车手冠军。


Buy now, pay later

Pay in interest-free installments with Splitit using your Mastercard and Visa credit cards (no debit cards).

Quick and Easy

No credit checks, no paperwork, only fill in your card details


Splitit will not charge any interest


Simply select Splitit at checkout and enter your card details
No credit checks required but the total amount is held in reserve on your card to ensure payment
Your first payment is taken immediately. The rest will be paid automatically in monthly installments


Order Total
Pay Today
£500 (Total of £1500 held on card)
£500 (Total of £1000 held on card)
£500 (Total of £500 held on card)
£500 (Total of £0 held on card)
  • A PAYMENT AUTHORISATION FOR THE OUTSTANDING AMOUNT OF YOUR PURCHASE WILL BE HELD DURING THE FULL PLAN PERIOD as security. This hold will be charged ONLY in the event a monthly payment is declined (the authorisation hold might appear as "Pending" on your credit card bill).
  • You must maintain a sufficient "Required Available Credit" amount on your credit card for both the full outstanding amount of your purchase and the monthly payment during the full period of the plan.
  • Your credit card issuer may charge you interest on amounts charged to your credit card unless you pay Your credit card balance in full each month.
  • In case we do not manage to reauthorize the remaining amount of the transaction, you will receive a notice email. In that case, you will have to promptly update your credit card details. In case your bank still refuses to reauthorize the outstanding amount, we will have to charge the full outstanding amount of the transaction at once from your credit card.
Splitit offers you a flexible way of paying for items in instalments, completely interest-free, by reserving the available line of credit on your credit card. Then, each month, according to your payment plan, Splitit collects the instalment amount and reissues the authorisation request for the remaining balance.

It is important to note that payments are still charged on your existing credit card. Splitit simply provides you the method to do this and information about the instalments. Here is an example of how the service works for a customer buying a £2,000 model in 4 instalments of £500 each:

Splitit obtains authorisation from the credit card company for the full purchase amount of £2,000. This is not a charge on the card; it is simply reserving £2,000 from the customer’s line of credit.
- The credit card company then charges the customer £500 for the first payment.
- During the second month, Splitit requests authorisation for the outstanding purchase amount of £1,500, and charges the customer the second installment of £500.
- This authorisation and charge process continues until the full £2,000 is collected - in this case, for 4 months.
No, this is an interest-free payment method with no additional fixed fees, service fees, interest or hidden fees of any kind.
No, your item will be processed after the first initial instalment and delivered as normal upon passing our Quality Control check at Head Office.
- You can pay using Splitit with a valid Mastercard or Visa
Nothing, no credit check is required if you use a Splitit instalment plan and there is no impact on your credit score. All the bank sees is the individual instalment charges each month. If one of your payment authorisations is declined, there is still no affect on your credit rating; it is simply a declined charge. The denial would simply accelerate payment of the remaining balance (unless you provide a different card which was not denied).
You can pay using Splitit with a Mastercard or Visa. Debit cards, American Express and pre-paid cards are not accepted.
The instalments appear on your statement as individual charge items with the name of 'Amalgam Collection'. These payments will appear monthly according to your instalment plan, with the same charge amount each time.
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