

Amalgam are recognised worldwide as makers of the finest hand-made large scale models. Our work is unique in its attention to detail together with a focus on creating models that truly capture the style and spirit of each car. We have dedicated our energy and passion to achieving a level of accuracy, precision and excellence that raises the finished replica far above anything previously created. 
兰博基尼Murcielago LP670 SuperVeloce (2009) Back Catalogue

兰博基尼Murcielago LP670 SuperVeloce (2009) 1:8 SCALE

限量199辆可根据车主规格定制车型在2008年日内瓦车展上发布每个模型都由一个工匠小组手工制作和组装1:8 比例模型,超过 57 厘米/22 英寸长使用最优质的材料制作开发模型耗时超过3000小时每个模型耗费超过超过300小时数千个精确设计的部件:铸件、照片蚀刻和数控加工金属部件 Murciélago是意大利传奇汽车制造商兰博基尼在2001年至2010年间生产的车型。它是Diablo的后继车型,因此也是兰博基尼的旗舰车型。此外,有趣的是,Murciélago是兰博基尼在德国大众母公司奥迪的所有权下设计和推出的第一款车型。LP670 SuperVeloce 或 "SV "车型是一款更轻、更强劲的碳釉限量版车型,并不适合胆怯和退缩的人。这款Murciélago的整备重量减少了100 千克,再加上经过升级的发动机装置,比标准版多输出30 匹马力,这意味着以前可选的碳纤维制动器现在已成为标准配置。SV系列限量生产350辆,是该系列皇冠上的明珠。 这款精美的1:8比例兰博基尼Murciélago模型,采用了详细的颜色和材料规格,以及直接从兰博基尼绘图室提供的原始 CAD 数据,在我们的车间内手工制作完成的。此外,它还经过了工程和设计团队的详细审查,以确保完全准确地再现原貌 -------------------------------------------------------------- 使用我们精致讲究的手工打造的展示柜、展架或展台,使您的1:8比例收藏更具格调。 查看此型号的展示柜 > 我们提供量身定制的服务,定制您的1:8比例模型以完全符合真实汽车的规格,从而使本已非常出色的限量版模型更加突出和独一无二。 详细了解我们的定制模型 >

£16,758.33 GBP

兰博基尼Reventón (2007)模型 生产中

兰博基尼Reventón (2007)模型 1:8 SCALE

限量199辆可根据车主真车规格定制模型在2007年法兰克福车展上推出每辆模型由一小队工匠手工打造和组装1:8 比例模型,超过 58 厘米/23 英寸长使用最优质的材料制作开发模型耗时超过3000小时每辆模型耗费超过300小时制造数千个精确设计的部件:铸件、照片蚀刻和数控加工金属部件 有些汽车能够改变一个品牌的历史,将其风格和技术投射到未来。这就是Reventón的设计初衷,它是一款限量版艺术品,旨在让人们憧憬未来的兰博基尼。Reventón在2007年法兰克福车展上向公众展示,它与已有五年历史的Murciélago的机械结构相同,但外观却是全新的。 灵感来自 "最快的飞机",该车的航空设计以锐利的边缘、精确的线条和简洁的表面为特色,车身完全由碳纤维制成,并采用独特的中度哑光灰绿色。兰博基尼的设计师以传奇的Diablo和Countach为灵感来源, Marcello Gandini设计的楔形车身、剪刀门、吸气式V12发动机和永久全轮驱动系统等所有元素融为一体,使其成为一款纯正的兰博基尼跑车。Reventón的未来主义设计语言至今仍被认为是兰博基尼设计中心(Centro Stile Lamborghini)最原始、最成功的设计风格之一。 Reventón的每一个元素都是根据其功能开发的,其精确目标是最大限度地发挥令人难以置信的兰博基尼V12发动机的性能。6496cc自然吸气发动机可输出641匹马力,推动车辆在3.4秒内从0至62英里/小时(0至100公里/小时)加速,最高时速可达211英里/小时(340公里/小时)。 Few-Off版汽车限量20辆,以每辆100万欧元的价格出售给客户,并为兰博基尼技术博物馆特别制作了00/20 版。 这款精美的兰博基尼Reventón比例模型是在兰博基尼的合作和协助下,由其提供原始饰面、材料、档案图像和图纸,在我们车间制作和完成的。通过使用“意大利公牛司直接提供的原始CAD,我们得以按比例完美再现每一个细节。此外,原型模型还经过了兰博基尼工程和设计团队的详细审查,以确保完全准确地再现原型。 1:8比例兰博基尼Reventón模型限量199辆。 -------------------------------------------------------------- 使用我们精致讲究的手工打造的展示柜、展架或展台,使您的1:8比例收藏更具格调。 查看此型号的展示柜 > 我们提供量身定制的服务,定制您的1:8比例模型以完全符合真实汽车的规格,从而使本已非常出色的限量版模型更加突出和独一无二。 详细了解我们的定制模型 >

£15,745.83 GBP

兰博基尼Reventón Roadster跑车(2009 年) Back Catalogue

兰博基尼Reventón Roadster跑车(2009 年) 1:8 SCALE

限量199辆可根据车主规格定制车型在2007年法兰克福车展上推出每个模型均由一小队工匠手工打造和组装1:8 比例模型,超过 58 厘米/23 英寸长使用最优质的材料制作开发模型耗时超过3000小时每个模型耗费超过300小时制作数千个精确设计的部件:铸件、照片蚀刻和数控加工金属部件 这款精美的1:8大比例收藏级模型,基于2009年9月在法兰克福车展上公开亮相的兰博基尼 Reventón Roadster车型。 该模型采用兰博基尼直接提供的原始 CAD 数据手工制作的,经过了设计和工程团队的严格审查,以确保完全准确。 -------------------------------------------------------------- 使用我们精致讲究的手工打造的展示柜、展架或展台,使您的1:8比例收藏更具格调。 查看此型号的展示柜 > 我们提供量身定制的服务,定制您的1:8比例模型以完全符合真实汽车的规格,从而使本已非常出色的限量版模型更加突出和独一无二。 详细了解我们的定制模型 >

£16,758.33 GBP

McLaren MP4-22 - 2007 Canadian Grand Prix - Alonso Back Catalogue

McLaren MP4-22 - 2007 Canadian Grand Prix - Alonso 1:8 SCALE

After an extravagant car launch that involved shutting a large chunk of downtown Valencia, the MP4-22 would provide McLaren with a very competitive car for what would become a very attention-grabbing season on and off...

£10,929.17 GBP

McLaren MP4-22 - 2007 Canadian Grand Prix - Hamilton

McLaren MP4-22 - 2007 Canadian Grand Prix - Hamilton 1:8 SCALE

After an extravagant car launch that involved shutting a large chunk of downtown Valencia, the MP4-22 would provide McLaren with a very competitive car for what would become a very attention-grabbing season on and off...

£7,079.17 GBP

McLaren MP4-22 - 2007 European Grand Prix - Alonso Back Catalogue

McLaren MP4-22 - 2007 European Grand Prix - Alonso 1:8 SCALE

After an extravagant car launch that involved shutting a large chunk of downtown Valencia, the MP4-22 would provide McLaren with a very competitive car for what would become a very attention-grabbing season on and off...

£10,929.17 GBP

迈凯伦MP4-22 (2007) 欧洲大奖赛 Back Catalogue

迈凯伦MP4-22 (2007) 欧洲大奖赛 1:8 SCALE

After an extravagant car launch that involved shutting a large chunk of downtown Valencia, the MP4-22 would provide McLaren with a very competitive car for what would become a very attention-grabbing season on and off...

£10,929.17 GBP

McLaren MP4-22 - 2007 Malaysian Grand Prix - Alonso Back Catalogue

McLaren MP4-22 - 2007 Malaysian Grand Prix - Alonso 1:8 SCALE

After an extravagant car launch that involved shutting a large chunk of downtown Valencia, the MP4-22 would provide McLaren with a very competitive car for what would become a very attention-grabbing season on and off...

£10,929.17 GBP

McLaren MP4-22 - 2007 Malaysian Grand Prix - Hamilton Back Catalogue

McLaren MP4-22 - 2007 Malaysian Grand Prix - Hamilton 1:8 SCALE

After an extravagant car launch that involved shutting a large chunk of downtown Valencia, the MP4-22 would provide McLaren with a very competitive car for what would become a very attention-grabbing season on and off...

£10,929.17 GBP

McLaren MP4-23 - 2008 Brazilian Grand Prix - Hamilton Back Catalogue

McLaren MP4-23 - 2008 Brazilian Grand Prix - Hamilton 1:8 SCALE

Driven by Lewis Hamilton and Heikki Kovalainen, the MP4-23 was McLaren’s contender for the 2008 FIA Formula One World Championship season. An evolution of the highly competitive MP4-22, the 23 was designed to claim the...

£10,929.17 GBP

McLaren MP4-24 - 2009 Hungarian Grand Prix - Hamilton Back Catalogue

McLaren MP4-24 - 2009 Hungarian Grand Prix - Hamilton 1:8 SCALE

2009 marked the beginning of a very new Formula One, with a raft of new technical rules having been introduced. Piloted by Heikki Kovalainen and Lewis Hamilton, the McLaren now featured heavily revised bodywork, very...

£10,929.17 GBP

日产GT-R (2007)

日产GT-R (2007) 1:8 SCALE

This fine 1:8 scale model of the Nissan GT-R has been handcrafted and finished in our workshops with the co-operation and assistance of Nissan regarding original finishes, materials, archive imagery and drawings. The use of...

£14,041.67 GBP

日产GT-R (2007)

日产GT-R (2007) 1:8 SCALE

This fine 1:8 scale model of the Nissan GT-R has been handcrafted and finished in our workshops with the co-operation and assistance of Nissan regarding original finishes, materials, archive imagery and drawings. The use of...

£14,041.67 GBP

Red Bull RB3 (2007) Back Catalogue

Red Bull RB3 (2007) 1:8 SCALE

The first Adrian Newey designed Red Bull car, the RB3, bore a resemblance to past Newey designed cars like the 2005 McLaren MP4-20. Driven by Mark Webber and David Coulthard, the RB3 had strong point...

£10,929.17 GBP

Red Bull RB3 (2007) Back Catalogue

Red Bull RB3 (2007) 1:1 SCALE

The first Adrian Newey designed Red Bull car, the RB3, bore a resemblance to past Newey designed cars like the 2005 McLaren MP4-20. Driven by Mark Webber and David Coulthard, the RB3 had strong point...

£7,904.17 GBP