法拉利F2003 - GA——2003年西班牙大奖赛

1:8 比例
订单通常会在 3-5 个工作日内发货。


  • 简介
  • 比例指南
  • 限量仅50件
  • 每个模型都由一小队工匠手工打造并组装完成
  • 1:8比例模型,长度超过56厘米/22英寸
  • 采用最优质的材料制作
  • 研发该模型耗时超过2500小时
  • 打造每个模型耗时超过250小时
  • 由数千个精密制造的零件构成:铸件、光刻蚀件以及数控加工的金属部件
  • 使用法拉利车队提供的原始计算机辅助设计(CAD)图纸和车漆编号进行制作
  • 法拉利F2003 - GA赛车是法拉利征战2003年国际汽联一级方程式世界锦标赛的参赛车辆,它为迈克尔·舒马赫赢得了破纪录的第六个车手总冠军,并延续了法拉利车队连续获得车队总冠军的纪录。作为法拉利车队黄金时代设计的单座赛车之一,也是马拉内罗制造的第49款赛车,F2003 - GA致力于在其前身F2002的统治地位基础上更进一步。在舒马赫和队友鲁本斯·巴里切罗的出色驾驭下,F2003 - GA在这个竞争异常激烈且极具观赏性的赛车赛季中,被证明是一个强大的竞争者。

    在技术总监罗斯·布朗(Ross Brawn)和首席设计师罗里·拜恩(Rory Byrne)的构想下,其设计理念与成功的F2002如出一辙,侧重于气流优化、减轻重量以及降低重心。车尾部分经过了修改,悬挂系统也进行了调整,以便让普利司通轮胎发挥出最佳性能,同时还配备了新引入的球状侧箱作为补充。加长的轴距提高了空气动力学效率,而发动机——F1历史上最后一批V10发动机之一——可输出令人惊叹的930马力,转速能达到惊人的19000转/分钟。在赛季开始前,该车名称后缀添加了“-GA”,以向年初去世的菲亚特老板詹尼·阿涅利(Gianni Agnelli)致敬。

    2003年参赛车辆的前身F2002在新车进一步研发期间,仍被认为具有足够的竞争力来开启新赛季,这意味着F2003 - GA直到赛季第五站西班牙站才迎来首秀。不出所料,该车迅速展现出了其速度优势,舒马赫在西班牙、奥地利和加拿大站赢得胜利,还在摩纳哥站登上领奖台,而巴里切罗也两次登上领奖台。然而,F2003 - GA存在轮胎容易过热的问题,在赛季中期欧洲异常炎热的夏季,这引发了不少状况。虽然巴里切罗仍在英国站获胜,并在欧洲大奖赛登上领奖台,舒马赫也在法国站再次登上领奖台,但这种状态的下滑使得威廉姆斯 - 宝马车队和迈凯伦 - 梅赛德斯车队得以在两项锦标赛中对法拉利发起持续挑战。在法拉利轮胎供应商普利司通指责米其林使用弹性胎壁之后,一项关键的轮胎规则变更应运而生,这迫使为威廉姆斯和迈凯伦提供轮胎的米其林改变其轮胎构造,在关键时刻将主动权交到了普利司通和法拉利手中。赛季仅剩三场比赛时,法拉利刚刚失去了锦标赛的领先地位,舒马赫的领先优势也被缩减至仅一分。不过,这位德国车手在蒙扎和美国站的胜利让他即将创造历史,因为在进入日本站的收官之战时,法拉利也仅以三分的优势重新领先威廉姆斯车队。尽管舒马赫在铃鹿赛道仅获得第八名,但巴里切罗战胜了迈凯伦的基米·莱科宁,这确保了法拉利连续第五次获得车队总冠军,而舒马赫也仅以两分的优势获得了他的第六个车手总冠军,打破了胡安·曼努埃尔·方吉奥保持了46年的纪录。

    总体而言,法拉利F2003 - GA赛车在2003赛季参加的12场比赛中,赢得了7场胜利、另外6次登上领奖台、获得5次杆位以及5次最快单圈成绩,共斩获126分。它对迈克尔·舒马赫和法拉利在车手总冠军及车队总冠军两项赛事中的夺冠起到了至关重要的作用。底盘编号为229的那辆车(舒马赫曾驾驶它赢得5次大奖赛冠军)在2022年的一场拍卖会上以创世界纪录的14630000瑞士法郎(约合14873327美元)的价格售出。

    这款精美的法拉利F2003 - GA的1:8比例模型完美复刻了迈克尔·舒马赫在2003年5月4日于加泰罗尼亚赛道举行的第45届万宝路西班牙大奖赛上驾驶夺冠的那辆赛车。这场比赛标志着F2003 - GA底盘赛车在正式比赛中的首秀,它在排位赛中就锁定了前排发车位来庆祝这一时刻,舒马赫比队友巴里切罗快了0.258秒,领先于雷诺车队的费尔南多·阿隆索和亚诺·特鲁利这对组合。阿隆索在发车时起步最快,但没能超过法拉利的这两位车手,他们在驶入第一个弯道时展开了激烈争夺。巴里切罗失去了冲劲,使得舒马赫得以迅速领先,因为这位巴西车手在三号弯被迫去抵御阿隆索的进攻。与此同时,特鲁利发车表现不佳,为了追赶,他与大卫·库特哈德的迈凯伦赛车发生了碰撞,引发了混乱并触发了安全车出动。虽然有几支车队选择采用三次进站策略,但领先的三位车手——舒马赫、巴里切罗和阿隆索——仍采用相同的策略,在比赛重新开始时,凭借较轻的燃油负荷迅速拉开了距离。争夺领先位置的战斗很快就变成了一场策略之战,巴里切罗有意阻挡阿隆索,以帮助舒马赫建立起五秒的领先优势。作为回应,雷诺车队让阿隆索提前进站,利用无车阻挡的优势在出站后超越了巴里切罗,并将舒马赫的领先优势减半。从这之后,比赛局势趋于稳定,与阿隆索相比,舒马赫展现出了更出色的速度,阿隆索则成功地挡住了巴里切罗,三人就这样朝着终点线稳步前进。舒马赫的胜利确保了他连续第二次夺冠,而F2003 - GA也在其一级方程式赛车的首次亮相中取得了胜利。


    法拉利F2003 - GA的1:8比例模型限量仅99件。



    In order for us to create your bespoke model, you will need to choose 4 extra options. Paint colour, interior colour, wheel style and caliper colour.

    Please complete the form and a member of our Sales Team will contact you.






    Buy now, pay later

    Pay in interest-free installments with Splitit using your Mastercard and Visa credit cards (no debit cards).

    Quick and Easy

    No credit checks, no paperwork, only fill in your card details


    Splitit will not charge any interest


    Simply select Splitit at checkout and enter your card details
    No credit checks required but the total amount is held in reserve on your card to ensure payment
    Your first payment is taken immediately. The rest will be paid automatically in monthly installments


    Order Total
    Pay Today
    £500 (Total of £1500 held on card)
    £500 (Total of £1000 held on card)
    £500 (Total of £500 held on card)
    £500 (Total of £0 held on card)
    • A PAYMENT AUTHORISATION FOR THE OUTSTANDING AMOUNT OF YOUR PURCHASE WILL BE HELD DURING THE FULL PLAN PERIOD as security. This hold will be charged ONLY in the event a monthly payment is declined (the authorisation hold might appear as "Pending" on your credit card bill).
    • You must maintain a sufficient "Required Available Credit" amount on your credit card for both the full outstanding amount of your purchase and the monthly payment during the full period of the plan.
    • Your credit card issuer may charge you interest on amounts charged to your credit card unless you pay Your credit card balance in full each month.
    • In case we do not manage to reauthorize the remaining amount of the transaction, you will receive a notice email. In that case, you will have to promptly update your credit card details. In case your bank still refuses to reauthorize the outstanding amount, we will have to charge the full outstanding amount of the transaction at once from your credit card.
    Splitit offers you a flexible way of paying for items in instalments, completely interest-free, by reserving the available line of credit on your credit card. Then, each month, according to your payment plan, Splitit collects the instalment amount and reissues the authorisation request for the remaining balance.

    It is important to note that payments are still charged on your existing credit card. Splitit simply provides you the method to do this and information about the instalments. Here is an example of how the service works for a customer buying a £2,000 model in 4 instalments of £500 each:

    Splitit obtains authorisation from the credit card company for the full purchase amount of £2,000. This is not a charge on the card; it is simply reserving £2,000 from the customer’s line of credit.
    - The credit card company then charges the customer £500 for the first payment.
    - During the second month, Splitit requests authorisation for the outstanding purchase amount of £1,500, and charges the customer the second installment of £500.
    - This authorisation and charge process continues until the full £2,000 is collected - in this case, for 4 months.
    No, this is an interest-free payment method with no additional fixed fees, service fees, interest or hidden fees of any kind.
    No, your item will be processed after the first initial instalment and delivered as normal upon passing our Quality Control check at Head Office.
    - You can pay using Splitit with a valid Mastercard or Visa
    Nothing, no credit check is required if you use a Splitit instalment plan and there is no impact on your credit score. All the bank sees is the individual instalment charges each month. If one of your payment authorisations is declined, there is still no affect on your credit rating; it is simply a declined charge. The denial would simply accelerate payment of the remaining balance (unless you provide a different card which was not denied).
    You can pay using Splitit with a Mastercard or Visa. Debit cards, American Express and pre-paid cards are not accepted.
    The instalments appear on your statement as individual charge items with the name of 'Amalgam Collection'. These payments will appear monthly according to your instalment plan, with the same charge amount each time.
    For further information visit: https://www.splitit.com/faq/