
Amalgam ist weltweit als Hersteller feinster handgefertigter Modelle in großem Maßstab anerkannt.
Unsere Arbeit ist einzigartig in ihrer Liebe zum Detail und wir setzen einen Schwerpunkt darauf, Modelle zu bauen, die den Stil und den Geist jedes einzelnen Autos wirklich erfassen.
Wir widmen unsere Energie und Leidenschaft der Verwirklichung von Genauigkeit, Präzision und Exzellenz. Das hebt die fertige Replik weit von allem, was je gebaut wurde.

Extra High Clear Acrylic Cover - F1 Size 1:8 SCALE
Having worked with some of the world’s most important architects since the 1980s we have learned that to best display complex and beautiful objects, simplicity and clarity of presentation are of the essence. That philosophy...
£860.00 GBP

Extra High Clear Acrylic Cover - GT Size 1:8 SCALE
Having worked with some of the world’s most important architects since the 1980s we have learned that to best display complex and beautiful objects, simplicity and clarity of presentation are of the essence. That philosophy...
£945.00 GBP

Extra High Clear Glass Cover - F1 Size 1:8 SCALE
Having worked with some of the world’s most important architects since the 1980s we have learned that to best display complex and beautiful objects, simplicity and clarity of presentation are of the essence. That philosophy...
£1,080.00 GBP

Extra High Clear Glass Cover - GT Size 1:8 SCALE
Having worked with some of the world’s most important architects since the 1980s we have learned that to best display complex and beautiful objects, simplicity and clarity of presentation are of the essence. That philosophy...
£1,080.00 GBP

Glass Blade Display Stand - F1 Models 1:8 SCALE
This display comprises the glass blade display stand, light tablet and clear acrylic cover. Available in two sizes to suit our F1 and GT model base sizes, the top and base plates are machined from...

Glass Blade Display Stand - GT Models 1:8 SCALE
This display comprises the glass blade display stand, light tablet and clear acrylic cover. Available in two sizes to suit our F1 and GT model base sizes, the top and base plates are machined from...

Light Tablet - F1 Size 1:8 SCALE
Having worked with some of the world’s most important architects since the 1980s we have learned that to best display complex and beautiful objects, simplicity and clarity of presentation are of the essence. That philosophy...

Light Tablet - GT Size 1:8 SCALE
Having worked with some of the world’s most important architects since the 1980s we have learned that to best display complex and beautiful objects, simplicity and clarity of presentation are of the essence. That philosophy...

Pedestal - F1 Size 1:8 SCALE
Having worked with some of the world’s most important architects since the 1980s we have learned that to best display complex and beautiful objects, simplicity and clarity of presentation are of the essence. That philosophy...
£2,790.00 GBP

Pedestal - GT Size 1:8 SCALE
Having worked with some of the world’s most important architects since the 1980s we have learned that to best display complex and beautiful objects, simplicity and clarity of presentation are of the essence. That philosophy...
£2,790.00 GBP

Rotating Glass Table Display 1:8 SCALE
Beautifully engineered in aluminium this low table can be rotated by hand to see the model inside from every angle. Design Overview The designs of our display stands and cabinets are all founded on the...

Rotierendes Wanddisplay 1:8 SCALE
A dramatic display, especially when repeated along a plain wall. The wall mounting plate supplied is easy to fit and the display is simply hooked over the mount. Design Overview The designs of our display...

Solid Walnut Illuminated Display Case 1:8 SCALE
Having worked with some of the world’s most important architects since the 1980s we have learned that to best display complex and beautiful objects, simplicity and clarity of presentation are of the essence. That philosophy...
£8,745.00 GBP