

Amalgam ist weltweit als Hersteller feinster handgefertigter Modelle in großem Maßstab anerkannt.

Unsere Arbeit ist einzigartig in ihrer Liebe zum Detail und wir setzen einen Schwerpunkt darauf, Modelle zu bauen, die den Stil und den Geist jedes einzelnen Autos wirklich erfassen.
Wir widmen unsere Energie und Leidenschaft der Verwirklichung von Genauigkeit, Präzision und Exzellenz. Das hebt die fertige Replik weit von allem, was je gebaut wurde.
Aston Martin Red Bull Racing RB15

Aston Martin Red Bull Racing RB15 1:8 SCALE

Der Anwärter von Aston Martin Red Bull Racing auf die FIA ​​Formel-1-Weltmeisterschaft 2019 ist das erste Auto von Red Bull mit einem Honda-Motor. Angetrieben von Max Verstappen und Alexander Albon, dem Zwischensaison-Ersatz für Pierre Gasly, der...

£8,495.00 GBP

Aston Martin Vanquish (2012) Back Catalogue

Aston Martin Vanquish (2012) 1:8 SCALE

A fine 1:8 large-scale collector’s model of the second generation Aston Martin Vanquish first unveiled as the Project AM310 Concept at the Concorso D’Eleganza at Villa d'Este in May 2012. This model has been hand-crafted...

£20,110.00 GBP

Aston Martin Vanquish - Centenary Edition (2013) Back Catalogue

Aston Martin Vanquish - Centenary Edition (2013) 1:8 SCALE

Revealed to the public at the Geneva Motor Show in March 2013, the Vanquish Centenary Edition celebrated the centenary of Aston Martin’s formation in the hands of Lionel Martin and Robert Bamford. Every model in...

£20,110.00 GBP

Aston Martin Vanquish Volante (2013) Back Catalogue

Aston Martin Vanquish Volante (2013) 1:8 SCALE

A fine 1:8 large-scale collector’s model of the Aston Martin Vanquish Volante first unveiled at Pebble Beach in August 2013. This model has been hand-crafted utilising the original CAD data supplied directly by Aston Martin...

£20,110.00 GBP

Bespoke Vorbestellung

Bugatti Chiron (2016) 1:8 SCALE

Der zum Zeitpunkt seiner Markteinführung schnellste, leistungsstärkste und exklusivste Serien-Supersportwagen in der Geschichte von Bugatti, der Chiron, wurde auf dem Genfer Autosalon im März 2016 vorgestellt. Von Achim Anscheidt entworfen, wurde jedes Element des Chiron...

£9,995.00 GBP

Bugatti Chiron – Maßgeschneidert

Bugatti Chiron – Maßgeschneidert 1:8 SCALE

Amalgam Collection bietet einen einzigartigen maßgeschneiderten Service für Besitzer des Bugatti Chiron. Wir erstellen für Sie ein hervorragendes und detailgetreues Modell im Maßstab 1:8, das jeden Aspekt der Spezifikation Ihres Autos nachbildet. Wir fertigen das...

£13,995.00 GBP

Bugatti Chiron Motor und Getriebe

Bugatti Chiron Motor und Getriebe 1:4 SCALE

Der nach dem in Monaco geborenen Rennfahrer Louis Chiron benannte Chiron wurde im März 2016 auf dem Genfer Auto-Salon vorgestellt.Fast jede Komponente des Motors in diesem Chiron mit 16 Zylindern, vier Turboladern und einer Leistung...

£12,795.00 GBP

Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse (2011) Back Catalogue

Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse (2011) 1:8 SCALE

The Grand Sport Vitesse was developed as a roadster version of the Veyron Super Sport and, after recording 254.04mph (408.84 km/h), the Grand Sport Vitesse is officially the fastest open-top production car in the world....

£16,850.00 GBP

Bugatti Veyron Sang Noir (2010) Back Catalogue

Bugatti Veyron Sang Noir (2010) 1:8 SCALE

A fine 1:8 large-scale collector’s model of the limited edition Bugatti Veyron Sang Noir from 2010. This model has been hand-crafted utilising the original CAD data supplied directly by Bugatti and has undergone strict scrutiny...

£16,850.00 GBP

Bugatti Veyron Super Sport (2010) Back Catalogue

Bugatti Veyron Super Sport (2010) 1:8 SCALE

The fastest car in the world between 2010-2017 capable of hitting a top speed of 267.8mph (431.1 km/h), the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport was a faster, more powerful development of the Bugatti Veyron. Limited...

£16,850.00 GBP

Amalgam Collection Chevrolet Corvette Sculptures - Full Collection

Chevrolet Corvette Skulpturen

Handgefertigte Miniaturskulptur 11 cm langAcht verschiedene Skulpturen, die die Entwicklung des Corvette-Designs zum Ausdruck bringenEinzeln oder als komplette Kollektion erhältlichGewicht ca. 75 GrammEin offizielles von General Motors autorisiertes und lizenziertes ProduktEntworfen vom Automobildesigner Remco de...

£195.00 GBP

Ferrari 150º Italia Steering Wheel (2011) Back Catalogue

Ferrari 150º Italia Steering Wheel (2011) 1:1 SCALE

A full size collector’s replica of the Ferrari 150° Italia steering wheel from the 2011 season with working buttons, switches and paddles as piloted by Fernando Alonso and Felipe Massa. This replica has been hand-crafted...

£9,485.00 GBP

Ferrari 458 Challenge (2010) Back Catalogue

Ferrari 458 Challenge (2010) 1:8 SCALE

This fine 1:8 scale model of the Ferrari 458 Challenge has been handcrafted and finished in our workshops with the co-operation and assistance of Ferrari regarding original finishes, materials, archive imagery and drawings. The use...

£20,110.00 GBP

Ferrari 458 Challenge (2010) Back Catalogue

Ferrari 458 Challenge (2010) 1:8 SCALE

This fine 1:8 scale model of the Ferrari 458 Challenge has been handcrafted and finished in our workshops with the co-operation and assistance of Ferrari regarding original finishes, materials, archive imagery and drawings. The use...

£20,110.00 GBP

Ferrari 458 Challenge EVO (2013) Back Catalogue

Ferrari 458 Challenge EVO (2013) 1:8 SCALE

A fine 1:8 large-scale collector’s model of the Ferrari 458 Challenge EVO as unveiled by Corse Clienti at the Finali Mondiali at Mugello in November 2013. This model has been hand-crafted utilising the original CAD...

£20,110.00 GBP

Ferrari 458 Italia GT2 (2011)

Ferrari 458 Italia GT2 (2011) 1:8 SCALE

The success of older sibling, the 458 Italia, led to the creation of the 458 Italia GT2 that shared the same basic engine, chassis and transmission in the time-honoured tradition of sports car racing. The...

£20,110.00 GBP

Ferrari 458 Italia GT2 (2011) Back Catalogue

Ferrari 458 Italia GT2 (2011) 1:8 SCALE

The success of older sibling, the 458 Italia, led to the creation of the 458 Italia GT2 that shared the same basic engine, chassis and transmission in the time-honoured tradition of sports car racing. The...

£20,110.00 GBP

Ferrari 458 Italia GT3 (2011) Back Catalogue

Ferrari 458 Italia GT3 (2011) 1:8 SCALE

A fine 1:8 large-scale collector’s model of the Ferrari 458 Italia GT3 which launch alongside the GT2 version in March 2011. This model has been hand-crafted utilising the original CAD data supplied directly by Ferrari...

£20,110.00 GBP

Ferrari 458 Italia GT3 (2013)

Ferrari 458 Italia GT3 (2013) 1:8 SCALE

A fine 1:8 large-scale collector’s model of the Ferrari 458 Italia GT3 which launched alongside the GT2 version in March 2011. This model has been hand-crafted utilising the original CAD data supplied directly by Ferrari...

£20,110.00 GBP

Ferrari 458 Speciale (2013) Back Catalogue

Ferrari 458 Speciale (2013) 1:8 SCALE

The 458 Speciale is unquestionably the top performing 458 road car. Based on the hugely successful mid-engined V8 berlinetta or ‘little saloon’ Italia which was unveiled at the 2009 Frankfurt Motor Show, as with all...

£16,850.00 GBP