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A New Dimension in Automotive Design

A New Dimension in Automotive Design

We are delighted to announce our new partnership with Automobilist. Their beautiful, unique and limited fine art prints, of inspiring moments in motoring history, are well known to discerning collectors. Amalgam and Automobilist are of one mind and passion, celebrating all things automotive. The partnership will combine perfect Amalgam models with an...


AMALGAM迈凯轮F1 GTR汽车模型——是完美复刻,也是昨日重现

AMALGAM迈凯轮F1 GTR汽车模型——是完美复刻,也是昨日重现

25年前的勒芒 24 小时耐力赛,Yannick Dalmas、JJ Lehto 和 Masanori Sekiya 驾驶 McLaren F1 GTR 赛车在不被看好的情况下创造了辉煌。虽然,专业评论者对那次比赛的评价褒贬不一,但是我们必须认可的是迈凯轮 F1 GTR和三赛车手没有放弃任何机会,巧妙应对恶劣天气条件,最终率先冲过终点线。


Amalgam to build just five North American X-15s models at 1:20 scale

Amalgam to build just five North American X-15s models at 1:20 scale

We are delighted to reveal that they have a new aircraft model in development: the North American X-15A-2 at 1:20 scale, a famous and significant piece of aviation history. The X-15A-2 remains the official world record holder for the highest speed ever recorded by a crewed, powered aircraft.
